Sunday, April 19, 2009

Antidiscrimination Policy

Don't worry about your ability,
You can do you what you like about sex,
So you suffer diminished motility,
So we're all of us more or less wrecks.

Your color, your race? Immaterial
Your DNA? That's your affair.
A virus? Diseases bacterial?
When or where you were born? We don't care.

You don't speak, read or write in the lingo,
Your fashion sense? Far from the norm,
Your manners are those of a dingo,
We'd hate you to have to conform.

Your crazy religious alignment?
Your political orientation?
Your recent escape from confinement?
We do not practice dis-crimination.

We're committed to fair opportunity,
There is no one forbidden to join,
It's a heterogeneous community,
We don't screen you, we just flip a coin.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Why Did You Leave Your Last Job?

So why did you leave your last job?
Look, that whole thing was a total misunderstanding.
What whole thing?
I just saw the link and clicked on it, you know? I was totally looking up job-related information and the one time I click on an off-topic link the boss is looking over my shoulder. That woman was like a vampire. She'd just appear out of nowhere.
What link?
I'm looking for data on RTLS, you know, Real Time Location Systems, to clarify a work-related issue, and there's an article about an application in a hospital, you know, hospital equipment, they track it and they don't have to rent so many infusion pumps or defibrillators, like they save thousands. It's totally boring but really important. Anyway this is some journal with a list of the articles in the panel on the side and one of them is about treating children with dwarfism, best and worst strategies, and you know, I'm intrigued. If I was treating a dwarf, specially a child, I wouldn't want to do the wrong thing. So I click on it.
Your boss fired you for that?
Well, no, I was looking at this article and it makes me think how little I know about dwarfs. You know Gimli and Gloin, I've read about them but what do I actually know about them? Small but doughty, that's all. I'm almost feeling guilty because there's this whole forgotten minority and I feel like I need to know right then and there. And that's what the Internet is for, like this whole enabling technology, the greatest revolution in information since Gutenberg, maybe bigger, you know?
Well, sure.
So I just searched for dwarfs.
You searched for dwarfs.
And you know what I'm going to say, you wouldn't believe how much dwarf porn there is out there. And you think what could there possibly be in this stuff that would interest anybody? What do they see in it? It's like a whole field of psychology, of anthropology, where we don't have the answers, you know? There's so little we truly understand about ourselves.
Yes, I see.
So I clicked on one of the links.
And that's when the boss shows up.
Could have happened to anybody.
Fine. Well, do you have any questions for us?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

No Experience Required

What's your game, eh? You say you want this job?
Well, yes, I...
And you say you have experience?
Yes, considerable experience, years,...
Well why, in heaven's' name, would you want the job if you have so much experience?
Well, it's what I know, it's...
Bloody horrible job.
To some, perhaps...
No one wants this job. advertised it.
Well, of course, we advertised it, we need it done. Horrible as it is. But I think you'll agree that there's something pretty bloody suspicious going on when you turn up, out of the blue, claiming you've done it before and you want to do it again.